Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Rant

Hello blog world and blog people, I'm new at this so give me some time.

I am suppose to be posting about web2.0 and what I think about it. So, what do I think...
I think that there are a lot of great tools out there now that let individuals have information pushed to them instead of them having to go out and get it all the time, because lets face it, the internet is sprawling considering it doesn't really have a definable space and full of information.
Things like RSS feeds and e-mail let people have the information they are interested in delivered to them like a hot and tasty pizza (or Chinese food if you prefer.)
In general I like what's happening with web2.0, but it comes at a price, usually for me its time. I find that the more internet fads or phenomenons I get involved in, the less time I have for other things.

Of the 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning habits I know that confidence is the hardest for me. I am not one of those people who can 'ooz confidence' (that is, people who feel that they know what they are doing and can bs their way out of tight situations when they don't, and go look up how to do it for next time.)

As far as which habit I am best at, I can't be sure. I know I like teaching technology to others, and using it to my advantage. I'm stuck between those two.

The part about viewing problems as challenges is probably my favorite! It is not as though I go out looking for trouble, but I love the feeling of when I solve a problem, fix something, or figure something out. Its nice to have something successful to look back to help give you confidence in what you are trying to do now, however, don't dwell on the past or, you know, you'll miss out on what's coming.

Below is a short video that topped YouTube's Most Watched, and it did it on Superbowl weekend when usually the commercials are top, this video topped all of them, which is impressive.


  1. I can relate to a lot of what you said and I think you are in a "good place" actually... we'll see how it may or may not change over the course of the, well, course. This is just the type of entry the project is looking for - thanks! Good start!

  2. I really enjoyed the little video. Thanks for posting it.

  3. That video really is all kinds of awesome.

    And yes, Internet fads make free time disappear. >_>
